REST API - Provision Device

Provisioning Devices

The URL for this endpoint is:

The provisionDevice endpoint is only available to some customers who require their own device provisioning process on the SatVUE portal. All parameters must be URL encoded.

  • access_id: The Access ID of the API Key.
  • secret: The Secret of the API Key.
  • serial: The Serial Number of the device to provision.
  • type: The type of device to add, must be either
    • IDP-680
    • IDP-690
    • ST6100
    • YDOC
    • Generic
  • name: The name of the new device.
  • timezone: The timezone of the new device. For example, for Brisbane Australia, the timezone string would be "Australia/Brisbane". For a full list of timezones see here
  • hw_version: [OPTIONAL] The hardware revision of the device.
  • sw_version: [OPTIONAL] The version of the software running on the device.
  • satvue_version: [OPTIONAL] The version of the SatVUE package running the IDP or ST6 device.
  • template: [OPTIONAL] The serial number of the device to use as a template for this new device. Device configuration will be copied from this device to the new device.

The result of the provioning, will be returnd in the following JSON structure:

   "success": [true|false],
   "error": "[Error String if success=false]",

The following is an cURL example of how to use this API Endpoint using a GET request.

curl "[ACCESS_ID]&secret=[SECRET]&serial=[SERIAL_NUMBER]&type=[TYPE]&name=[NAME]&timezone=[TIMEZONE]&template=[DEVICE_NAME]"

The following is an cURL example of how to use this API Endpoint using a POST request.

curl --data "access_id=[ACCESS_ID]&secret=[SECRET]&serial=[SERIAL_NUMBER]&type=[TYPE]&name=[NAME]&timezone=[TIMEZONE]&template=[DEVICE_NAME]" ""

The following is example the data returned by this endpoint.

   "error":"Serial number already exists",